Changning Raw Pu'er Tea
Situated in the bank of Lancang River in the eastern part of Baoshan area, Changning is the location of Ailao, the ancient civilization dated 2,500 years ago. It was the earliest developed region in Yunnan history. Changning's tea is rich in polyphenols, which contribute to the richness of black tea; likewise, they benefit the post-fermentation development of Pu’er tea’s unique character. The Pu’er tea from this region has a rich palate, and a gentle and sweet taste, with a noticeable floral note. Because this vibrant tea favors maturation, it is suitable to be stored and aged.
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Baoshan, Yunnan, China.
Yunnan large leaf.
Deep, sweet and smooth.
Tea liquor
Wang De Chuan red logo label.
One-tip-three-leaf, sun and wok stir-fixation.
Tea preparation
Steeping time
Tea ware water Temperature Amount of Tea leaves 1st brew 2nd brew 3rd brew 4th brew 5th brew
(Current year)De Chuan Lidded Teacup 90c.c 95℃ 5g 25sec 20sec 30sec sec sec
(Current year)De Chuan Yixing Teapot 150c.c 95℃ 10g 35sec 35sec 35sec sec sec
(Stored over five year)DeChuan Lidded Teacup 90c.c 95℃ 5g 30sec 25sec 30sec sec sec
(Stored over five year) Yixing Teapot 150c.c 95℃ 10g 45sec 40sec 35sec sec sec